Technical leadership that transcends.

We keep your technology on target and on track, helping you stay mission-focused. Our Fractional CTO Services provide tailored solutions, strategic guidance, and support to ensure your tech investments drive efficiency and scale impact.

85% of nonprofits say that technology is key to the success of their organization, but 23% admit they don’t have a long-term technology strategy.

Nonprofit Trends Report

How is your nonprofit doing?

Take Our Nonprofit Technology Assessment

This assessment is designed to help you evaluate various aspects of your organization to see how well you are leveraging digital tools to support your work. By completing this assessment, you will gain insights into areas where your organization excels and identify opportunities for improvement. Your results and additional resources will be emailed to the address you provide.

2 + 5 =

Important questions to consider:

Are you experiencing challenges with your existing technology infrastructure?

A robust technology infrastructure is vital for efficiently managing mission-driven organizations, inspiring change, and serving the communities. Addressing infrastructure challenges ensures that resources are maximized, programs run smoothly, and service delivery remains uninterrupted, ultimately enhancing the organization’s impact.

Our services can assess your existing systems, identify areas for improvement, and provide tailored solutions to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Want to learn more? Get our FREE Nonprofit Technology Assessment Toolkit

Is your organization relying on spreadsheets to inform your decision-making?

Data analytics can provide nonprofits with valuable insights into their operations, program effectiveness, and stakeholder engagement. Leveraging these insights helps organizations make informed decisions, optimize their efforts, and demonstrate impact to donors and members, thereby increasing transparency and support.

Our team can set up analytics tools and data management processes that provide you with actionable insights, drive informed decisions, and capture your impact.

Want to learn more? Get our FREE Nonprofit Technology Assessment Toolkit

Are you growing and looking for technology solutions to support your growth?

As organizations grow, scalable technology solutions are crucial for managing increased demands and expanding services. Implementing the right technology facilitates growth by enhancing operational efficiency, improving communication, and ensuring the organization can meet the needs of a larger community or membership base.

With our support, you can confidently scale your operations, knowing that your technology infrastructure can handle the increased complexity and demands.

Want to learn more? Get our FREE Nonprofit Technology Assessment Toolkit

Do you struggle with integrating technology systems across silos and workflows?

Integration issues can hinder your organization’s efficiency. Effective integration ensures seamless data flow, reduces manual processes and errors, and boosts productivity, allowing your staff to focus on mission-critical activities instead of administrative tasks.

Our team can help you streamline and integrate your systems, improving workflow, data sharing, communication and overall productivity.

Want to learn more? Get our FREE Nonprofit Technology Assessment Toolkit

Do you need help selecting and implementing new technology solutions?

Investing in the wrong technology can cost your organization a lot of money and even more precious time. These costs can leave you stuck with the wrong system once data is integrated. Expert guidance ensures organizations make strategic technology investments that align with their mission, streamline operations, improve engagement, and enhance program effectiveness.

Our strategic advice and hands-on support ensure you choose the right technologies that drive impact and align with your mission.

Want to learn more? Get our FREE Nonprofit Technology Assessment Toolkit

Is your organization struggling with data security and compliance?

Data security and compliance are particularly critical for funders and organizations handling sensitive information about donors, members, and beneficiaries. Ensuring robust security measures and compliance protects this information, builds trust with stakeholders, and prevents potential legal and financial repercussions.

We can help you define and implement robust security measures that ensure your technology practices comply with industry standards and regulations.

Want to learn more? Get our FREE Nonprofit Technology Assessment Toolkit

Do you need technology leadership but you’re facing budget constraints?

Budget constraints should not prevent organizations from accessing high-level technology leadership. Without such leadership, organizations may face fragmented technology systems, security vulnerabilities, inefficient use of resources, and missed opportunities for scale and innovation.

Fractional CTO services can provide the necessary strategic guidance and expertise at a fraction of the cost of a dedicated resource, ensuring organizations can leverage top-tier technology insights to drive innovation and mission success.

Want to learn more? Get our FREE Nonprofit Technology Assessment Toolkit

Did you answer “Yes”? We can help.

A fractional Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is a part-time, outsourced executive who helps an organization bridge their technology leadership gap by developing strategies, optimizing systems, and ensuring effective digital transformation, all without the cost of a full-time executive.

Fractional CTO Service Tiers

Fractional Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) are part-time, outsourced executives who help organizations bridge technology leadership gaps by developing strategies, optimizing systems, and ensuring effective digital transformation, all without the cost of a full-time executive. Our flexible service tiers allow organizations to access high-level expertise that aligns to their evolving needs and budget.

Essentials Package


Best for teams of up to 3
Example: Focus on solving for a short list of specific pain points to ensure smoother service delivery.
2 virtual strategy sessions per quarter
(1 session every 6 weeks)

Up to 4 hours of support each quarter

Standard Package


Best for teams of up to 10
Example: Identify or improve a core platform that will increase efficiency and relieve team overwhelm.
4 virtual strategy sessions per quarter
(1 session every 3 weeks)

Up to 8 hours of support each quarter

Growth Package


Best for teams of up to 25

Example: Work holistically to develop integrated, future-proof systems and processes across the organization.

6 virtual strategy sessions per quarter
(1 session every 2 weeks)

Up to 12 hours of support each quarter

Essentials Package

Standard Package

Growth Package




Best for teams of up to 3
Best for teams of up to 10
Best for teams of up to 25
Example: Focus on solving for a short list of specific pain points to ensure smoother service delivery.
Example: Identify or improve a core platform that will increase efficiency and relieve team overwhelm.
Example: Work holistically to develop integrated, future-proof systems and processes across the organization.
2 virtual strategy sessions per quarter
(1 session every 6 weeks)
4 virtual strategy sessions per quarter
(1 session every 3 weeks)
6 virtual strategy sessions per quarter
(1 session every 2 weeks)

Up to 4 hours of support each quarter

Up to 8 hours of support each quarter

Up to 12 hours of support each quarter

How flexible, technical leadership can transform your organization.

We’re not just technical experts; we’re technical partners. We collaborate with our clients to prioritize and address critical needs and discover new opportunities and solutions. We can cover a lot of ground in time allocated each quarter, however, for organizations looking to fast-track specific initiatives, we offer flat-rate packages with accelerated timelines, ensuring timely delivery.

Discovery and Needs Assessment

We explore your organization’s mission, values, and technology needs to identify opportunities to improve your platforms and processes.

Technology Roadmapping and Management

We craft a strategic plan and tailored technology roadmap to guide your IT investments and help you achieve your long-term goals.

Platform Selection and Vendor Management

We evaluate existing technology and SaaS solutions based on your needs, budget, and goals, to select vendors that will align with your mission.

Website Audit and Web Strategy

We provide strategic direction for your website’s functionality, design, and integration with enabling software.

Cybersecurity and Data Policy

We assess your current security measures, identify vulnerabilities, and develop robust policies to protect your data.

Digital Transformation and Team Training

We design digital transformation plans and provide training to ensure your team gets the most out of the technologies you invest in.
Hofbauer Consulting created the perfect system for us, our chapters, volunteers and donors. They provide thoughtful and creative solutions for all our needs. As our organization grows, we continue to work with Hofbauer Consulting to bring out the best version of our vision.

What we’ve learned along the way: